Posted by: Delish | May 15, 2010

Casey Performs at the Wildflower Festival-Video

The third song is a Casey James original. I don’t know the name of it.


  1. i’m digging the new sonG! wow! how long did casey made that that day?awesome!

  2. We’ve got a fever and the only prescription is more Casey!!
    Seriously, these videos are a revelation and confirm, for me, for you, what we already know: Casey James is the most talented artist and musician that has ever been on Idol. Why they sandbagged him for Lee, I’ll never, ever understand.
    The only plausible reason is that orders came down from the White House that Chicago was not to lose American Idol. Can’t have another embarassment like the Olympics.

  3. SashaP, “orders coming down from the Whitehouse” cracks me up. LMAO. I believe Obama would be a Casey fan hands down though.

    Can’t wait for Casey’s album, and I so appreciate these videos where we can witness his true, unhampered artistry.

  4. loved it how the audience sang with him during heaven!

  5. Awesome Videos!! It showcases the real Casey James we all know and love!! I hope his Homecoming shed some light on his true artistry….the Blues!! I believe Casey James can bring back the blues in a very positive way!!! He has my support always!!!

  6. They sanbagged Casey because they couldn’t take credit for his intact talent. Now they can say they took a paint salesman and “made him into a star” Casey was ALREADY a star. AI can’t take credit for it!!!

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